Rational Software Corporation

Rational's products and services automate software-engineering activities, reduce risk, eliminate errors, and improve the productivity of individuals and development teams. As a result, customers are able to develop higher-quality applications more quickly and gain a competitive edge in their markets.

Rational has over a dozen years of experience in applying modern software-engineering technologies. Our products address the entire software-development lifecycle and include an integrated software-engineering environment, object-oriented graphical analysis and design tools, and extensive support for the development, debugging, testing, and measurement of reliable high-performance systems.

We also deliver comprehensive training and consulting services to assist project teams in using Rational's products. Ongoing customer support for Rational's products is offered both on site and by telephone.

Corporate headquarters are located in Santa Clara, California. Regional sales and support offices are located throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Germany, Taiwan, and Australia. Partners and distributors provide local sales and support in Japan and Israel, among other countries worldwide.

Programming Tools

Rational Rose Family

Documentation Tools

Testing and Certification Tools

Rational Software Corporation
2800 San Tomas Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95051-0951
Tel. 408-496-3600
Fax 408-496-3636
E-mail product_info@rational.com
URL http://www.rational.com

Canada 613-599-8581
France +33-1-30-12-09-50
Germany +49-89-797-021
U.K. +44-1273-624814
Sweden +46-8-474-7400
Australia +61-2-419-8455
Taiwan +886-2-720-1938
Italy +39-2-264-0107
Spain +34-1-571-39-62
Israel +972-3-531-3333
Japan +81-03-3779-2541

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Copyright (C) 1995 by Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Updated 10/2/95
The word "Rational" and Rational's products are
trademarks of Rational Software Corporation. References
to other companies and their products use trademarks
owned by the respective companies and are for reference
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